Customer Testimonials

Very smooth and I can't even taste it if I add it to my food or a drink. Super effective, another great product!

Kaya A.

I never write reviews, but what you created is something that has to get complimented. These dabs are tasty and make me feel so zen, it's just what I needed these days. Thank you Chakra Xtracts, this is art. Keep it up.


I used the headband, it helps me sleep at night - No matter if you are already used to heavy use of CBD. The terps are very effective. I will buy more.


Commitment to Excellence

Chakra Xtracts holds itself to the highest level of organic hemp farming practices, safe CBD Full Spectrum extraction methods, and high quality CBD product formulation. This commitment to excellence guarantees our product safety and results in BEST quality oils available on the market - our reviews speak for themselves! Chakra Xtracts is an industry leader in ALL things CBD, we know how to effectively help our clients with a variety of products that meet and exceed expectations.

Lab Tested

All Chakra Xtracts CBD products are 3rd party lab tested for potency, residual solvents, heavy metals, and pesticides. Our CBD oils exceed industry standards, we transparently show lab results under each product for your benefit. Click "Lab Testing" at the top menu to view our testing for all of our CBD products.

Quick Delivery

Our Shipping Team packs and sends your order in house with standard free shipping included. Our clients depend on Chakra Xtracts for their weekly CBD needs, so we will always do our best to go the extra mile for our clients. We pride ourselves in wonderful customer service, feel free to contact us anytime via Chat feature in the lower right hand corner for the quickest response!