Redeem your Groupon Voucher!

1. Find your Voucher Code. Go to My Groupons and find the 8 Letter code listed under VOUCHER.
2. Find the exact product(s) you purchased and click add to cart on those products below. Be sure to choose the same products (size or flavor) that you chose on Groupon.
3. After you've added the product or products to the cart, go to Checkout by clicking on the green cart button in the upper right section of the webpage.
4. Now you should be able to see the product or products that have been added to your cart. Make sure to confirm you've picked the right products, then choose CHECK OUT.
5. Locate the Discount Code section and type in the 8 Letter Code from Groupon.
6. Enter your shipping address.
7. Choose your shipping method.
8. Continue to payment method.
9. Complete order.

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